Posts Tagged: Rise Matters

Why Rise Matters to Me: Center for the Study of Social Policy

Interview with Martha Raimon and Steve Cohen

Martha: The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) is a nonprofit designed to influence public policy that affects children and families, and to provide technical assistance to states and jurisdictions testing new ideas and policies in child welfare, early childhood education and community development.

The Center is always looking to embed more authentic parent and youth voice in our work but it’s a work in progress. … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Randy Block, Parents Helping Parents

I’m the executive director of Parents Helping Parents, an organization in Massachusetts that provides parent support services. We run parent support groups and a parental stress hotline.

I learned about Rise almost 8 years ago when I was working on a project to develop a handbook for parents facing the child welfare system in Massachusetts. A member of our group invited Rise’s director, Nora McCarthy, to talk with us about Rise. I thought, “That sounds … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Heidi Ombisa Skallett, CW360º

I’m the editor of CW360º, a publication of the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare at the University of Minnesota that provides a comprehensive view of a prevalent child welfare topic in each issue.

I use Google alerts to keep up to date on what’s going on in child welfare and I came across Rise in 2012. I was pretty impressed—I appreciate being able to read the parents’ perspective.

The honesty is remarkable. Being … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Erika Tullberg, National Child Traumatic Stress Network

I work at the NYU Child Study Center as part of a team focused on child trauma, and I’m also a co-chair of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s child welfare committee. Rise recently joined us as a member of a subcommittee focused on parents in the child welfare system who have had experiences of trauma. In the past few years, there’s been a shift toward a much better understanding of the impact of trauma … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Susan Chinitz, Early Childhood Center

Last year we hosted a Rise writing group for mothers with children in foster care and we’ll host another group this spring. I think it’s one of … Read More


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