Posts Tagged: Parent Advocacy

Using Our Experiences to Make a Difference – Organizing for system change in New York City.

One night on my way home I saw a blue flyer with three questions that caught my eye. 1) Are your children in foster care? 2) Do you have a child welfare case? 3) Do you want to help change the system?

At the time, my children had just been taken into foster care. I felt angry, like the system had kidnapped my children for its financial gain. The system offered me no … Read More

Parents as Partners – Workers and families learn from each other in 15 cities nationwide.


For the past 18 months, social worker Randy Jenkins and parent advocate Sandra Jimenez have been training birth parents to become advocates and supports for parents at child welfare agencies in 15 cities nationwide. Here, Jenkins explains how their work begins with conversations to help agency staff and birth parents learn from each other:

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is interested in changing the way the child welfare system engages with parents. When the … Read More


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