Posts Tagged: mandated reporting

Parents’ Platform Updates 2023

Although Rise has a new mission, we’re still committed to prioritizing parents, their families, and putting their needs and concerns first. Over the summer, we administered our surveys on childcare and mandated reporting to better understand parents’ and caregivers’ experiences with mandated reporters, obtaining childcare in New York City, or the lack of, and any gaps in accessibility. With over 60 responses, we held community conversations, webinars, and a Town Hall to discuss action … Read More

Rise’s Mandated Reporting & Childcare surveys are now open!

Rise is collecting data to better understand parents’ experiences with reaching out for resources and support from mandated reporters. We’re also collecting data on parents’ and caregivers’ experiences around the lack of child care, accessibility, and what solutions they want to see. This information will remain anonymous and inform Rise’s call to action surrounding our parent-led campaign to expand child care, and include respite care for all NYC families.

If you are a parent or caregiver or … Read More

Rise Identifies Policy Priorities: Child Care, Mandated Reporting and Mental Health Supports

In 2021, in collaboration with TakeRoot Justice, Rise released the participatory action research report, An Unavoidable System: The Harms of Family Policing and Parents’ Vision for Investing in Community Care. Following our report release, Rise held a series of eight community report back sessions, engaging parents, parent advocates, social workers, legal providers, and community members in discussions about our research findings. Through this process, Rise identified three policy priorities for 2022-2023.  

Rise is working towards the abolition of the family policing system. Here, we outline recommendations based on our experiences, research and community report back sessions that can serve as immediate concrete stepping stones to move New York City toward shrinking the family policing system and strengthening networks of community care that truly support families.

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