Since the COVID-19 shutdown began, my emotions have flip-flopped between anger at the system, understanding for the safety of my children, and sadness in not seeing them, holding them, playing with them and reading to them. I feel a sense of helplessness knowing that, right now, their well-being is absolutely out of my control. I hope that soon this nightmare will end.
Posts Tagged: coronavirus
Lawyers for Parents During Coronavirus Pandemic
April 15, 2020 by
Survival During Triggering Times
April 01, 2020 by
It is as if my past has caught up with me: Deserted streets. Food lines. Curfews. Yes, I feel like my past has finally reared its ugly head on American soil.
I have been struggling daily since I returned from the war in Iraq 17 years ago. Secretly, I call these experiences “Living in a Triggering Town.” It’s the constant pressure of surviving.
That’s New York City today. Not being able to travel on the buses, or trains, or by cab. Normally. Not able to leave the house unless deemed mission essential by the Governor. Transit workers, grocery store workers, hospital personnel. They keep us alive, but they cannot keep us sane.
Coronavirus Impact on Parents
March 19, 2020 by
Rise is working to uplift parents’ voices and advocate for parents’ needs. Please share your experience with Rise. NYC parents can also join our weekly online support groups led by Rise parent leaders and NYC parent advocates.