Posts Tagged: Child care is a family policing issue

This series shares Rise’s advocacy for affordable, accessible child care and respite care unaffiliated with family policing systems.

Parents’ Platform Updates 2023

Although Rise has a new mission, we’re still committed to prioritizing parents, their families, and putting their needs and concerns first. Over the summer, we administered our surveys on childcare and mandated reporting to better understand parents’ and caregivers’ experiences with mandated reporters, obtaining childcare in New York City, or the lack of, and any gaps in accessibility. With over 60 responses, we held community conversations, webinars, and a Town Hall to discuss action … Read More

Rise Parents’ Platform Updates: Reflections on Our First Year of Organizing

As Rise moves into our second year of organizing, we are reflecting on our successes and developing plans for next steps in advocating for our Parents’ Platform. This year, we joined the efforts of a variety of organizations that have been leading the movement for affordable and accessible child care and equitable pay for child care providers. Rise brought the perspective of parents impacted by ACS into the movement for universal child care, recognizing lack of child care as a family policing issue and a driver of “neglect” allegations. We are excited about all we accomplished together in community during this program year.

Too Many Barriers to Child Care: ‘Universal child care would create safety and opportunities for families.’

from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and monitoring my children. I had no privacy. The homemaker would watch and feed my children. If I had to step out, she would accompany me. It was outrageous. I didn’t feel like I was the parent because she did everything for me. I would’ve rather had child care without someone in my home intruding and controlling everything. 

Rise Child Care Campaign: Town Hall Update, Survey Results and Calls to Action

We are organizing for universal child care unaffiliated with ACS, including community-based respite care to support families when last-minute child care needs or emergencies arise. Most recently, Rise conducted an online survey about NYC parents’ child care experiences and needs and held a Virtual Town Hall on Child Care. Our next steps and calls to action involve organizing a letter and social media campaign and building partnerships to create an NYC-focused child care coalition. We hope you’ll join us! 


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