Search Results for: they will not win

Light in a Dark Tunnel – Sometimes hope can make all the difference

“It’s unfair that you get to spend Thanksgiving with your family and you’re not letting me have my kids home,” my client said. I felt guilty and it did feel unfair.

After the home visit, I returned to the agency and pleaded with the administrators to allow the children to spend Thanksgiving with their mother.

“Sorry, Joselyn. We can’t risk having the kids home given the allegations.”

I wanted so badly to give this mother something to feel … Read More

The Power of Peer Support – Rise Parent Presentation at our 2018 Benefit

Lindsay Reilly (Read by Nancy Fortunato)


Can I call your attention in the courtroom

To the mother with mental illness

With multiple kids and multiple fathers

Who was raised by a system

That never loved her

By people who never loved her

Who gave birth to 4 beautiful children

Stemmed from a poisonous father each time

Those who promised to love her hurt her

The mother who tried to be loved

So hard she lost herself

Guns, drugs, unlawful imprisonment

But she’s still here

She looks at her … Read More

Ask Yourself: ‘Am I More Focused on Compliance Than Safety?’ – Parents encourage attorneys who represent the child welfare system to focus on justice and humanity in the courtroom

This spring, Rise parent leaders presented to all 250 Administration for Children’s Services attorneys who represent the child welfare system in family court. (The division is called Family Court Legal Services, or FCLS.) Rise parent leaders routinely present to newly-hired FCLS attorneys. Here is their presentation: 

Rise trains parents to write and speak about their experiences with the child welfare system. The insights you’ll hear today are based on the personal essays Rise has developed with … Read More

‘I Felt Terrified—and Shocked’ – How to approach parents in child protective investigations

In 2018, Rise parent leaders were asked to provide input to the Administration for Children’s Services on training for child protective investigators. Our team worked with 20 life experienced parents to develop feedback, including parent advocates working at foster care and legal agencies and parents with recent foster care cases. Jeanette Vega, Nancy Fortunato and Robbyne Wiley developed the presentation. Here is their presentation: 

Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to present parents’ perspectives … Read More

Breaking Down Barriers — Once I trusted my caseworker, I was able to make progress

I met my caseworker Gloria when I went to rehab after I got the case. The first time we met, she explained how she could help me get my kids back if I put forth the effort. It was hard to believe her because she worked for the same people who took the ones I loved. But she let me know that my children belonged with me, that she believed in me and that I … Read More

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