Search Results for: they will not win

Now Hiring: Rise Executive Director

Rise, a NYC parent-led advocacy organization, is seeking an Executive Director. After 15 years, Rise’s founding Director will step down in June 2021. Founded in 2005, Rise has an annual budget of $1.2 million, a staff of 12 and 9 part-time parent contributors. Rise is a partner project of the Fund for the City of New York, which provides financial management and human resources support.

About Rise: Rise believes that parents have the answers for their … Read More

Visiting Hours

How to advocate for time with your child

Vivek Sankaran, clinical assistant professor of law in the Child Advocacy Law Clinic at the University of Michigan, explains how parents can advocate for the best visits possible.

Q: What right do parents have to visits?A: Every state has different minimum requirements. Most have at least onehour a week. But that’s the minimum, not the maximum parents should see a child.

Visits should start immediately after placement. There’s … Read More

On the Right Track

Working with your lawyer to get your children back.

Maxine Ketcher, senior staff attorney at Legal Services for New York City–Bronx, explains how your lawyer can help you get to reunification – and get the services you need to support your family

Q: How do parents know they’re on track to reunification?A: If you’re on track, you should be getting increased visits, especiallyunsupervised visits. If your visitation isn’t increased over a period of six months, even … Read More

Advocating for your Children

What parents can ask the school to do to help their children succeed.

Erika Palmer, a lawyer at Advocates for Children, a nonprofit that guides parents of children in New York City public schools, explains how parents can get school-based services for their children:

Q: What school services can help a child who is struggling in school?A: If parents are getting called down to the school because of a child’s behavior problems, parents can request a … Read More

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