News And Events

Not a Baby Anymore- My daughter’s tantrums were a sign that I needed to let her grow up.

My daughter, Lydia, had some very serious problems when she started the second grade. School was never too smooth for her, so on the first day this year I was encouraging her, saying, “This year is a new year for you.” I had high hopes.

A Difficult First Day

I dressed Lydia in her uniform-yellow tights with a blue jumper and a long sleeve yellow shirt. She didn’t want to put on her blue … Read More

‘Love Isn’t Written in a Court Order’- Helping the system remember the strength of family bonds.

In September I traveled with my 23-year-old son to speak at “Families for Life: Addressing the Needs of Older Children and Youth in Foster Care,” a conference convened by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. James and I were doing a workshop together about the strength of family bonds. Even though James and I were separated by my drug addiction and his adoption, our relationship is growing now.

I hoped that seeing the way my … Read More

‘No One Knew My Mother’s Story’ – Judging parents won’t help break the cycle

This story is reprinted from Represent, a magazine by and for youth in foster care. 

For nine years I was always in and out of the system because my mother was heavily addicted to drugs. She would follow the orders of the court to get my brothers and me back, but because she had so little support, she would relapse and lose us.

I wanted to go home and stay home. I loved my mother so much. … Read More

‘You Can Do This’- Creating a booklet to help Massachusetts parents in crisis.

About 10 years ago, I was going through a bad time in my marriage and it came to the point that I just couldn’t take it anymore. One night when my husband abused me I called the police and they took my children and me to the hospital for an exami- nation.

Because of everything going on with my husband, I’d been drinking, and when the Department of Social Services did a quick assessment, they decided … Read More

‘I Am Your Voice’- Working from inside the system to support parents.

When I applied to become a parent advocate at a foster agency in New York City, I feared I wasn’t ready. I was on public assistance and had never held a 9-to-5 job. But I knew that parents dealing with the foster care system needed support and tough love from people like me—parents who were once in their shoes.

My own two girls had gone into foster care because I was drinking. For about three years … Read More

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