News And Events

Help for the Whole Family- My son’s learning disability affects us all.

Translated from Spanish

My son Eric, who is 11, has a learning disability that makes it hard for him to stay focused and attentive. His disability affects not only hisschoolwork but also our whole family.

Our family’s long journey to figure out the problem Eric was having began when he was around 8 years old. He had been in a special classes for bright kids in 2nd and 3rd grade, but then he … Read More

Identity Crisis- Could I believe in myself when life let me down?

The first time in my life that I really felt like belonged somewhere was when I got hired to be a parent advocate at the Seamen’s Society forChildren and Families. Seamen’s was the agency responsible for my youngest son and me when I ended up addicted to drugs and he ended up in foster care for two-and-a-half years.

My agency believed in me, and after I got my son back, it offered … Read More

‘It Won’t Happen Again’- I regained my faith in myself and my children’s trust in me.

I’d like to share my story. It’s not easy for me because I hold my privacy to me like a shield. I fear that I will be judged. But what I’m telling is from my heart.

Nine years ago, I lost my older two children to foster care. It took three years for them to come back home. We’re still recovering from the pain of that time.

My story begins with … Read More

Home to Say Goodbye- I had to visit my sick father in Mexico despite the risk.

Translated from Spanish.

Catalino Rivera was my father. He wore a sombrero and a mustacheand he was a country man. He was strong and very strict, but also had a happy character.

My father and I were always very close. When I was growing up in Mexico, I followed him everywhere. He brought me around the countryside and to school on a bicycle. My father took us to the pool, to the rodeo, and … Read More

‘What Next?’- I love my son, but his mental illness scares us all.

I gave birth to my son William, my third child, when I was 22 years old. I had placed myfirst two children in foster care because I was dealing with an abusive boyfriend and we had nowhere safe to live together.

During my pregnancy with William, I was living in a domestic violence shelter and trying to get housing, but I felt more stable. I had a good job and I worked hard until we … Read More

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