News And Events

Time to Come Home- I’ve recovered, but my girls are stuck in foster care.

I am a 35-year-old mother of two girls, 14 and 10 years old, who have

been paroled to my parents’ care since September 22, 2009. I can visit my children as often as I like but I am no longer allowed to lie down beside them at night and sink into a world of pure innocence, or rise up with them in the morning to feel the warmth of the glowing … Read More

Like Family- I get help when I’m in crisis—so I can keep my daughters.

Last October my boyfriend and I had our small wedding ceremony at City Hall. We already had a baby girl, Emma, and I was close to delivering number two. My mother came to stay with us for the weekend, and at one point she went out to the store and didn’t return until about three hours later. It was clear that she’d been drinking, and I could smell the booze on her breath.

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Faith, Prayer and Action- A country preacher helped me find my way.

In the summer of 1975, I found myself sitting in the back of a smallcountry church. The service was over and the people were making their way out. Everyone stopped to shake hands with the preacher. I noticed one man saying, “Thank you, thank you,” as he held the minister’s hand. I said to myself, “What’s in a handshake?”

At that time I felt cynical toward religion and old country ways. Basically … Read More

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