News And Events

A Guide to Show Parents They Are Not Alone

About 10 years ago, I was going through a bad time in my marriage. One night when my husband abused me, I called the police and theytook my children and me to the hospital for an examination.

Child protective services (CPS) did a quick assessment and decided to take my three children. They never let me take my kids home from the hospital or even say goodbye. I was lost.

If … Read More

Parent Leaders Helped My Family Get the Services We Need

My husband and I have three children, ages 12, 8 and 17 months. Our oldest has deafness and ADHD, our middle child has blindness andADHD with severe behavioral problems, and our toddler has asthma, is developmentally delayed and has had liver transplants.

Last October, CPS came to our home late at night, claiming that our middle child was coming to school in dirty clothes. It’s true that he has favorite clothing that he … Read More

I Was Scared of CPS, But the Workers Listened to Me

The day before my wife gave birth to our youngest child, I found out that she was using crystal meth. I was so shocked and hurt. But I realized that it made sense. My wife had become so different than when we’d met. All we seemed to do anymore was argue.

When my wife gave birth, child protective services (CPS) told us we could not bring the baby home from the hospital … Read More

Supporting Parents in My Community

I live in the Highbridge section of the South Bronx and my communityhas the largest number of children being placed into foster care in New York City. I know about the stresses that living in a community like mine can put on a family because my own child was placed in foster care.

For the past three years, I have been a parent organizer for a grassroots organization called the Child Welfare … Read More

Cookies, Stockings, Lights and Love- I hope my daughter will have good memories of our holiday traditions.

Six years ago was the first time that I didn’t have to rush through the holidays with my daughter, who I call Little Mama. After three years in foster care, she was finally home to stay.

Holidays when Little Mama was in foster care were rough. The first year, when Little
Mama was 1 year old, the agency invited my husband and me to a Christmas party. At one moment I had to … Read More

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