News And Events

Calling All Parents – Speech by Dinah Adames-Ortiz at Rise’s 2018 Benefit

Good evening everyone! And congratulations Rise! Thank you for having me.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge my fellow parents in the audience. Tonight it is about you! Your strength. Your courage. And your importance.

If you are an affected parent in this audience tonight, it means that you have overcome or are overcoming the most traumatic time of your life. And I see you. I feel your presence and I applaud you for arriving.

Today … Read More

Rise Benefit: Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018 – 6:30pm at the New York Public Library

Rise Annual Benefit 2018
October 25, 6:30-8:30pm
New York Public Library, McGraw Rotunda
476 5th Ave, New York, NY – Enter on 42nd St.


Dinah Ortiz-Adames, Bronx Defenders Parent Advocate Supervisor
Jeanette Vega, Rise Training Director
Nancy Fortunato, Keyna Franklin, Melissa Landrau, Lindsay Reilly, Sara Werner, Robbyne Wiley, Rise Parent Leaders


Innovation Driver: Lauren and Steve Pilgrim

Information Provider: Rebecca Boucher, Casey Family Programs

Peer Supporter: Catholic Guardian, Children’s Village, Good Shepherd Services, Graham Windham, Jeff Gramm, JCCA, Marcia Reilly, SCO Family of Services, Sheltering Arms

Story Teller: The Bronx … Read More

TIPS for Parents with Supervised Visits

Even though we love our children and want to see them, visiting children in foster care can bring up painful feelings for many parents. Sometimes visits are scary, stiff, weird, awkward, or sad. Our kids may act angry at us, or like they don’t care. Walking into the agency can make us feel like a failure. If you were in foster care yourself as a child, visits can also bring up feelings of abandonment. During … Read More

Power to the Parent — A NYC program puts service planning in the hands of parents and provides peer support

Parents fighting to reunite with their kids often feel like they have no say in their family’s service planning and are given services without being asked what they need. Many also feel alone in the process.

Several child protective agencies across the nation have responded by implementing family conferencing and parent advocate programs.

Michael Arsham, director of The Office of Advocacy for NYC’s Administration for Children’s Services, spoke to Rise about NYC’s Enhanced Family Conferencing Initiative (EFCI), … Read More

‘It’s up to all of us to stretch out our hands and lift families up’

Rise Senior Parent Leader Nancy Fortunato spoke at a rally Feb 22 against proposed state cuts to NYC family support services to prevent children from entering foster care:

We are here standing together with one voice to tell the governor that cutting the budget will threaten so many families who really needs services.

I myself received preventive because I was in a domestic violence relationship. Preventive helped my family in getting the right support. They gave me … Read More

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