News And Events

Rise’s Robbyne Wiley to NYC City Council: ‘It’s so important to reduce fear’

Testimony Before the New York City Council Committee on General Welfare and Committee on Hospitals

Hello, I’m Robbyne Wiley, a Parent Leader at Rise. Rise supports parents to become advocates for change in child welfare. I am a parent who was affected by the child welfare system. From being on that side of the table, I can now support other parents, and train professionals working in the system to understand parents’ perspectives.

I’m here today to support changes … Read More

Changing Industry Perspectives – Reshaping the relationship between caseworkers and parents

Interview by Keyna Franklin

Katya Smyth is the CEO and founder of the social change organization The Full Frame Initiative.

Katya Smyth

Q: Can you tell us what you learned about services from running On the Rise to help women in crisis?

A: I knew going in that programs and systems tend to see people as problems. What I came to appreciate is how hard it is even for frontline workers who don’t want to see people that way to … Read More

Have things gotten better for NYC’s child welfare-affected families? Parents say no.

NYC’s City Limits magazine published two opinion pieces this week interpreting data about the city’s child welfare agency, the Administration for Children’s Services. Rise’s Jeanette Vega replied: 

To the Editor:

Re: “What the Data Says About Child Welfare in New York City” by David Hansell published March 24 and “City is Spinning Child-Welfare Stats” by Richard Wexler published March 28.

ACS seems hell bent on claiming it’s doing better for families. This outrages parents … Read More

Setting Goals for Success – Preparing for negotiations by outlining what you want to achieve

Photo: Daniel Ames

Interview by Keyna Franklin

Daniel Ames is a Columbia Business School professor who specializes in negotiation.

Q: You’ve taught that it’s important to go into a negotiation with a clear idea of what your goal is. Why is that important?

A: The beginning of preparation for any negotiation is to define success – what is it that you’re trying to achieve? Take a step back to look at the big picture. In child welfare, your goals … Read More

Helpful Intervention – A new program prepares families to go to court

Interview by Keyna Franklin

Kiran Malpe is a social worker with Strong Starts Court Initiative, a program that provides information to judges, lawyers, ACS, and workers about the science of human development and how some court decisions can traumatize families. 

Q: Can you tell us about Strong Starts and about your role there?

A: Strong Starts has a dual mission to bring expertise in early child development to all stages of court proceedings, and to strongly support infants … Read More

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