News And Events

ICYMI: Rise’s Annual Celebration

Rise’s Annual Celebration was a celebration of stars! 

Our annual fundraiser was a great success on October 19th at the Lower Eastside Girls’ Club. During the event, we laughed, cried, and danced the night away in celebration of parents, children, and their families. It was an amazing night with amazing people! Patrons that participated in our raffle were able to win door prizes, including family and self-care themed gift baskets. Our guest speaker of the night … Read More

Black August: A Celebration of Liberation & Freedom Fighters

National Black Business Month

While we celebrate and honor Black history during the month of February every year, there’s also a lesser known, but just as important, holiday to commemorate the struggle for Black liberation.

“Black August,” created in 1979 at San Quentin State Prison, in honor of fallen brothers and activists associated with The Black Panther Party, Jonathan P. Jackson & George Jackson, is to highlight Black resistance against systemic impression and remember Black political prisoners.

A … Read More

Child Welfare Budget Priorities

The rate for housing subsidies for those who have experienced foster care hasn’t been increased since 1988! This year’s #NYSBudget must modernize the subsidy by raising the rate, indexing it to inflation, and including youth up to age 24. Many young people that leave foster care without any family ties, or “age out”, are faced with homelessness. This year’s #NYSBudget must include S.2038-A/A.2525-A to modernize preventive housing subsidies and support youth who experienced foster care.

Stuck at … Read More

Rise’s Mandated Reporting & Childcare surveys are now open!

Rise is collecting data to better understand parents’ experiences with reaching out for resources and support from mandated reporters. We’re also collecting data on parents’ and caregivers’ experiences around the lack of child care, accessibility, and what solutions they want to see. This information will remain anonymous and inform Rise’s call to action surrounding our parent-led campaign to expand child care, and include respite care for all NYC families.

If you are a parent or caregiver or … Read More

Check This Out: “Still, we rise: Lessons learned from lived experiences in the family policing system”

In this special issue article, the voices of mothers affected by the child welfare system are at the forefront. A group of five women, including our own, Jeanette Vega and other Rise staff and parents, discuss their experiences with the child welfare system, highlighting and illustrating the many systemic injustices. It is their hope that sharing personal stories inspires and helps others across the country. The article also focuses on the development of Rise as … Read More

Shakira Kennedy, Community Supporter

Shakira came to Rise in 2023 as an impacted parent herself in the Rise & Shine Parent Leadership Program. Throughout many trials & tribulations, not only did she graduate but she stayed with Rise and became a Parent Contributor. She is now currently a Community Supporter down at the Lower East Side Girls Club helping parents who attend the weekly Rise Support Circle with bonding, benefits, referrals, & more.

NOW HIRING: MercyFirst Foster Care is looking for parent advocates!

MercyFirst is a not-for-profit social services agency that was founded in 1894 by Sisters of Mercy. They work to address the emotional and physical needs of children and their families throughout the New York City area, including Long Island. They provide community-based prevention, foster care services, group homes for children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, along with short-term residential services for unaccompanied migrant children.

They are currently hiring and seeking parent advocates. … Read More

From Green to Blue for Autism Awareness Month

Rise went from green to blue for Autism Awareness Month. For this month, we’re highlighting some of our parents’ experiences raising children with autism. With the Rise & Shine program currently in session, the participants are honing their writing and public speaking skills every Wednesday and Thursday. Click here for “Spectrum of Love,” a poem by one of our new parents, Ariana. 

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disability that can effect how one behaves, learns, and interacts … Read More

Rise Supports Black Maternal Health!

April 11-17 is recognized as Black Maternal Health Week. Across socioeconomic statuses, Black mothers have the highest maternal and infant mortality rate. With the increased restrictions on access to abortion and the criminalization of pregnancy loss, it’s more imperative now than ever, that we continue sounding the alarm on this crisis. Did you know that 4 out of 5 pregnancy-related deaths are preventable? (Source: Health Resources & Service Administration, the Maternal & Child Health Bureau).

Achieving … Read More

Melissa Landrau, Senior Parent Leader

Melissa has been with Rise since 2014. She started as an impacted parent in our Rise & Shine Parent Leadership Program and now helps facilitate it as a Senior Parent Leader. She is an advocate for parents and works to elevate the voices of those impacted by the child welfare system.


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