
Parent-led advocacy and parent input in child welfare reform is essential to better addressing the root causes of family crises; meeting the service needs of high-risk families; reducing disproportionate placements and disparate treatment of families of color; changing the adversarial relationship between child welfare systems and poor communities; improving court practices; and ensuring that foster care placement is used as sparingly as possible so that children are more likely to grow up safe with their families.

Rise Parents’ Platform Updates: Reflections on Our First Year of Organizing

As Rise moves into our second year of organizing, we are reflecting on our successes and developing plans for next steps in advocating for our Parents’ Platform. This year, we joined the efforts of a variety of organizations that have been leading the movement for affordable and accessible child care and equitable pay for child care providers. Rise brought the perspective of parents impacted by ACS into the movement for universal child care, recognizing lack of child care as a family policing issue and a driver of “neglect” allegations. We are excited about all we accomplished together in community during this program year.

Halimah Washington Speaks at AQE Press Conference Demanding $5B for Universal Child Care

Rise joined Alliance for Quality Education (AQE), parents and child care providers at a press conference in the Bronx on February 24th to demand NY State invest $5 billion in universal child care.

Rise Community Coordinator Halimah Washington spoke about the need for universal child care and the link between the lack of accessible child care and family policing.


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