Discussion Guide

Rise stories can help you start discussions in support groups and parenting classes. If you are a parent advocate or work with parents in a group setting, have your group read the story out loud and use the questions below to guide a discussion.

June 2008 Story:
‘You Will Pull Through’ by Ilka Perez

When Ilka decides to leave her children’s father, she finds herself overwhelmed by her responsibilities and financial stress. At first she tries to be perfect and ends up exhausted. Eventually, Ilka learns to set priorities and create manageable schedules for her family. She is proud of regaining control of her life and more confident in her ability to take on new challenges.

Begin by asking the group’s general impression of what they read. How did the story affect them? What stood out for them the most? From their responses, you can lead the discussion where parents are interested in taking it.

Here are some questions you might pose to your group:

• When Ilka decides to leave her children’s father, she is surprised by how much her financial stress affects her relationship with her children. How have financial pressures affected your parenting? How have you been able to be the best parent you can despite financial hardships?

• Ilka reaches out to her sisters when the pressures of being a single mother become too much. Who do you reach out to when you need support? If you don’t have a strong support network, what steps might you take to strengthen it?

• Ilka realizes that she is trying too hard to be perfect and she begins to decide what is most important for her to accomplish and what she can worry about less. When life feels overwhelming, how do you decide what to prioritize? What might you want to do differently and what are the challenges to doing that?

• Having a schedule and a to-do list helps Ilka maintain control. What do you do that helps you feel in control of your life and your relationship with your family?

• Succeeding in regaining control of her life and her parenting makes Ilka feel more confident about future changes. What challenges have you gone through that have made you feel more confident about the future

Finally, the group can discuss what they learned from the story and what parts they related to the most. What steps or insights that Ilka describes surprise them or might help them through similar setbacks?

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