Posts By: Rise

The Intersection of Family Policing and Domestic Violence: Introduction Sources

The introduction to our series on the intersection of family policing and domestic and intimate partner violence links to all of the sources of information listed below. It also links to additional resources and information that may be of interest, including our glossary of terms. 

Barron, J. The Stigma Attached to Housing Vouchers. (Updated 2022, May 27). The New York Times. Retrieved from:

Bertram, W. and Sawyer, W. Prisons and jails will separate millions of mothers from … Read More

New Rise Series: The Intersection of Family Policing and Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence

At Rise, the vast majority of parents impacted by the family policing system are Black and brown women who are survivors of domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV) and/or sexual violence. Every year, many—if not most—parents in our Rise & Shine Parent Leadership Program write about and/or discuss experiences of domestic violence, sexual abuse and/or intimate partner violence in connection to their experience with the family policing system, a more accurate term than “child welfare” system. Our intention in sharing stories in our programs and in this publication series is to hold space for each other and to honor each person’s story and what it means to them to share it. Often, parents choose to write or talk about these painful experiences and to build our advocacy skills out of a desire to support other people going through similar experiences—and to further our healing, reclaim our stories and push for meaningful societal and policy changes to prevent harm and support families.

Rise is Hiring: Parent Advocate Training Coordinator

Rise is hiring a Parent Advocate Training Coordinator to prepare NYC parents impacted by the child welfare system to work as Parent Advocates within the child welfare system (preventive and foster care agencies), as well as in impacted communities.

While Rise works toward our vision, we recognize that there are parents involved with the system right now who value the support of a trained, life-experienced Parent Advocate. The Parent Advocate Training Coordinator will be responsible for … Read More

Rise Communications Program Updates

Through our online magazine, publications, website, newsletter and social media platforms (@readrisemag), the Rise Communications Program shares stories by and for parents, provides information and resources, raises awareness of the harms of the family policing system, highlights community-led solutions and offers ways to get involved. The Rise Communications Team facilitates writing and public speaking workshops for parents impacted by ACS, conducts community outreach, supports the Rise team with preparing for presentations and provides internal coordination, logistics support and learning and community-building opportunities. We are excited about the ways we have served as a platform for storytelling and advocacy over the past program year.

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