Posts By: Rise

Why Rise Matters to Me: Jim Dossett, Parent

An unexplained … Read More

Rise Writers Present at CFR Panel on Mental Health and Young Parents in Foster Care

Rise’s Piazadora Footman and Lindsay Reilly presented on mental health and young moms at a Center for Family Representation panel discussion for lawyers and social workers. Together Pia and Lindsay read a selection of story excerpts by young mothers who grew up in foster care and were diagnosed with mental illnesses. Pia joined a panel with mental health experts to discuss her experience with parent-child video therapy.


Graham Windham Offers Rise Writing Group for Parents: ‘We Want to Really Learn from the Parents We Serve’

Jess: Graham Windham is a child welfare and youth development agency in New York City. About a year and half ago we sat down and talked about what we could do to further our support for parents. When we started to talk with parents about what they value, they said they valued their relationships with peers.

We thought that a Rise writing … Read More

Video: Experiences of Parents with Infants in Foster Care

This video developed in partnership with the Center for the Study of Social Policy and Harvard Center on the Developing Child can be used to sensitize child welfare staff, lawyers, judges and policymakers to the experiences of parents with infants in foster care.

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