Posts By: Rise

CWLA Webinar on Parent Trauma in Child Welfare Includes Rise Stories and Presenter

Parent stories illuminate the impact trauma can have on parents in child welfare in a CWLA webinar, Parent Trauma and What Child Welfare Workers Need to Know. Co-presented by Rise Director Nora McCarthy, NYU Child Study Center’s Erika Tullberg and Connie Black-Pond of the Southwest Michigan Children’s Trauma Assessment Center, the webinar describes trauma symptoms and how caseworkers may notice trauma-based responses in parents in child welfare settings. The separation, loss of control, shame and power … Read More

City Attorneys Who Bring Cases Against Parents Hear Parents’ Perspectives on Family Court

More than 300 attFamily Court Legal Services Attorneys at NYC’s Administration for Children’s Services have learned about parents’ experiences in Family Court through presentations by Rise Parent Leaders Jeanette Vega and Piazadora Footman.

Jeanette’s piece focuses on her experiences as a young mother whose son was removed when he was 2 years old, as well as lessons learned from her three years as a parent advocate at a foster care agency. Read her speech: ‘Keep a … Read More

Sheltering Arms Hosts Rise Writing Workshops for Frontline Staff

Sheltering Arms partnered with Rise in 2015-16 to run two writing workshops for foster care agency staff. Stories focused on the steps staff have taken to work effectively and establish positive relationships with parents. After the first writing group in spring 2015, staff shared their stories with Sheltering Arms senior leadership, and two participants read their stories at a Sheltering Arms board meeting. Rise published the first installment in Spring 2016, along with parent-written articles about working … Read More

Rise Young Moms Meet with NY Times Editorial Board Member

A powerful group of Rise’s young mothers visiting The New York Times April 1, 2015 to talk with Editorial Board Member Lawrence Downes about how their stories can educate a wider audience. Lots of ideas! Rise’s two editorials on improving supports for young mothers who grew up in foster care focus on reducing unnecessary neglect reports by building peer supports and safe places for young mothers to turn for help outside of the foster care system.

Five Parents Graduate from Rise’s Writing Workshop at Graham Windham

Rise writing workshop graduates Lindsay Reilly, Adisha Garner, Latoya Fitzgerald and Rebecca Mohammed, pictured here with Rise’s Nora McCarthy and Graham Windham’s Jess Dannhauser and Peggy Gibbs, presented their stories to family members and Graham staff March 20, 2015. Not pictured is graduate Lakisha Johnson. Parents in this 16-week workshop wrote stories examining the challenges–and their strengths–in keeping up hope while their children are in foster care.

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