Posts By: Rise

‘An Opportunity to Hear Straight from Parents’ – How Rise stories make an NCTSN training on trauma real for caseworkers

Interview with Erika Tullberg, NYU Child Study Center and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network

I work at the NYU Child Study Center as part of a team focused on child trauma, and I’m also a co-chair of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s (NCTSN) child welfare committee.

Two years ago, Rise joined us as a member of a subcommittee focused on parents in the child welfare system who have had experiences of trauma. We are developing … Read More

‘This Is Really Going to Make a Difference’ – Rise’s partnership with ACS to bring parent voice into staff training citywide

Interview with David Nish, Associate Commissioner of Training and Workforce Development at NYC’s Administration for Children’s Services

ACS has a training academy for new staff, Satterwhite Academy, and a new Workforce Institute in partnership with CUNY’s School of Professional Studies, that will train child welfare staff citywide. The focus of our work is to help staff really understand the complex nature of the work that they do, with a focus on building empathy and helping families … Read More

‘Wait, There’s a Whole Story Here’ – How Rise’s writing group is helping an agency listen to parents

Interview with Jess Dannhauser, President and CEO

Graham Windham is a child welfare and youth development agency in New York City. A few years ago we sat down and talked about what we could do to further our support for parents. When we started to talk with parents about what they value, they said they valued their relationships with peers.

We thought that a Rise writing group for parents with children in foster care could add to … Read More

Advice from a Parent Advocate: Making your voice heard in case planning

Interview with Sherry Tomlinson, a parent leader in Columbus, Kansas

For more than 15 years, Sherry Tomlinson worked in the child welfare system. Then she lost her son to it. Today, she runs a recovery and jail ministry in Columbus, Kansas; works alongside an attorney representing parents in family court; and is an active member of the Birth Parent National Network, a national coalition of parents affected by the child welfare system.

As a parent helping … Read More

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