Posts By: Rise

Keeping Your Head in the Game – Coaching parents to achieve economic mobility goals

Jennifer Lowe is a vice president at EMPath, an organization that provides coaching to help people and families get out of poverty.

Q: What does it mean to be a mobility mentor?

A: A mobility mentor partners with a program participant to help support them in their goals. In every organization it might look a little different. At EMPath, we’re a family shelter provider and we also offer multi-year programming for families outside the shelter system.

For example, … Read More

Collaboration Is Our Key – How parents in Washington State are changing hearts, minds and laws

In 2007, Children’s Home Society of Washington held a statewide summit for child welfare leadership. Parents who had been involved with the system made up 10% of participants. The keynote speaker, Brenda Lopez, “stunned everyone with her story of losing her kids and then getting them back and becoming a transformational person,” says Nancy Roberts-Brown, former director of Catalyst for Kids, a statewide coalition affiliated with the Children’s Home Society.

That summit led to two parent … Read More

Partnership in Casework – Improving communication between parents and case planners

Photo: Dana Christensen

Interview by Keyna Franklin

Dana Christensen is the model developer of Solution-Based CaseworkTM and a professor at the Raymond A. Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville.

Q: Solution-Based Casework is about caseworkers having “full partnership” with the family to make decisions. Why is that so important? 

A: Partnership means actually believing that the family knows what needs to happen and is the best expert on themselves. The family needs to to be … Read More

From Survival Skills to Coping Skills – How to develop healthy habits in case planning

Interview by Keyna Franklin

Amelia Franck Meyer is the CEO of Alia, a non-profit dedicated to transforming the child welfare system by working with system leaders and partners responsible for getting youth back home with their families.

Photo: Amelia Franck Meyer

Q: In your profession have you seen that it is harder or easier to deal with parents who have been affected by the system in childhood? How do you think it affects parents dealing with service plans … Read More

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