Posts By: Rise

Surveillance Isn’t Safety – How over-reporting and CPS monitoring stress families and weaken communities

Series Edited by Rachel Blustain, Rise Contributing Editor

This year, Rise will share parents’ perspectives and recommendations for strengthening families without surveillance and through community.

Too often, when families are struggling, school
personnel, doctors and police are quick to call a hotline instead of connecting
us to resources and support.

Nationwide, child abuse and neglect reports grew more than 12% from 2013 to 2017. Abuse scandals across the country and sensational media coverage of child fatalities in many communities put mandated reporters … Read More

Rise Is Hiring: Editor Passionate about Justice

Rise seeks a journalist who is passionate about social justice—particularly issues facing low-income women of color—to edit our parent-written publications and to support parent writers in developing personal essays and reporting on the child welfare system to effect change in the child welfare system.Our outstanding temporary editor is leaving; we are seeking to hire a new editor by Sept. 15.About RiseRise is a NYC organization that builds parent leadership to reform the child welfare system. Child welfare systems nationwide … Read More

Rise’s TIPS Approach to Service Planning

This set of 4 TIPS handouts on service planning is written by and for parents who are dealing with an investigation, preventive services, or a foster care case. They provide information and peer support to help parents navigate and negotiate. Planning for services often happens in a rush, at a time when parents are under extreme stress. We hope these TIPS can help parents cope with frustration, anxiety and triggers so they can think and plan.Getting Started on … Read More

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