Posts By: Rise

Rise Statement Opposing Proposed OCFS Host Homes Regulations

On January 29, 2020, OCFS posted proposed Host Homes regulations for public comment. The regulations would allow the organization Safe Families for Children (and other approved agencies) to operate overnight respite care in New York State. 

Expansion of voluntary, temporary respite options for vulnerable parents is something that Rise supports in concept. That said, we were alarmed in reviewing the regulations to see a picture of respite provision that is out of sync with parents’ self-identified needs. We oppose these regulations and ask OFCS not to approve them. Instead, we urge OCFS to develop a process to hear directly from parents, youth and community advocates to learn more about parents’ needs and develop a model that better meets them.

How to Sue the System

Attorney David Lansner explains how children and parents can sue the child welfare system

By Sarah Harris, Shakira Paige, Careena Farmer, Cynthia Zizola and Genesis Pagan, Rise Contributors, and Keyna Franklin, Rise Parent Leader

Many parents feel that what we experienced at
the hands of child welfare was unjust but that there’s nothing we can do about
it. We wanted to find out if that was true, so we interviewed David Lansner, a
family court lawyer in New York City … Read More

How You Can Help Your Child Cope During COVID-19

Adapted from the Brain Architects Podcast with Jack Shonkoff, Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Adults are really
struggling with the pressures and tensions of this time. When we’re feeling
significant stress, anxiety, unease and even depression about what’s going on,
you don’t have as much energy to be on your best game at all times.

For everyone, feeling some sense of safety and control brings
your stress system back down. And
none of us are capable of
feeling safe and secure … Read More

Resources by Rose Wentz



Visiting During COVID – Resources for Parents

We know that if you’re visiting your children in foster care only by video or phone because of the pandemic, you are suffering. We hope this tip sheet and resources on coping with virtual visits, self-advocating and taking care of yourself can help you stay strong during this tough time. You will make it. You can get through this and get your children home. —WITH LOVE FROM THE RISE TEAM

Resources from Rise

Your Rights to Visit Despite … Read More

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