Posts By: Rise

Imani’s Testimony to City Council

At a NYC City Council General Welfare Committee hearing on racial disparities in child welfare on Oct. 28, parents – including Rise’s Jeanette Vega and Imani Worthy – and advocates citywide testified about urgent adjustments and broad shifts to reduce the reach and harm of child welfare. Here is Imani’s testimony, and video where Imani shares her full story:

>> Read in The Imprint about this hearing

>> Read Rise’s written testimony to City Council

Imani Worthy, who spoke at the City Council hearing

At a NYC City Council General Welfare Committee hearing on racial disparities in child welfare, parents – including Rise’s Jeanette Vega and Imani Worthy – and advocates citywide testified about urgent adjustments and broad shifts to reduce the reach and harm of child welfare. This is Rise’s written testimony.  

Thank you for holding this hearing to focus on … Read More

Video: Rise 15th Anniversary Celebration, Oct. 28, 2020

Thank you everyone who celebrated 15 years with us! Enjoy the show! Program begins at 31:00, after a pre-party of music by Compás

Skip to 31:00 for the program beginning

We welcome donations of any size! Thank you to our many supporters and allies, and all of the amazing parents who have invested in Rise!

Events Highlights

Allison Brown, NYC

Tahitia Foggie, Connecticut

Jim Dossett, Oregon

Michelle Chalmers, Minnesota

Tenisha Sanders’ Kids! NYC