Posts By: Rise

Why We’re Using the Term ‘Family Policing System’

Rise is using the term ‘family policing system’ instead of ‘child welfare system’ because our team believes that it most accurately and directly describes the system’s purpose and impact. While Rise has often also used the term “family regulation system”, the Rise staff led by parents who have experienced the system considered this term “too soft” in describing the harmful role of the system in the lives of families it impacts. “Family policing” highlights the system’s connection to and similarities with the criminal justice system, and also explicitly links our work to broader movements to abolish policing.

Target Conditions, Not Families

Parents call on NYC’s next mayor and City Council to reverse our city’s over-investment in family policing and under-investment in communities

The Danger of a Misdiagnosis of Child Abuse

In When the Misdiagnosis Is Child Abuse, published in The Atlantic and The Marshall Project, journalist Stephanie Clifford reported about child abuse pediatricians — doctors who are trained to determine whether kids’ injuries are accidental or inflicted. In most cases, these conclusions can’t be made with certainty — but the child welfare system often takes them as fact. As Clifford documented, this has resulted in the unnecessary separation of families, incarceration of parents who have not harmed their children and trauma for both children and parents.

Here, Clifford discusses her reporting process and what she learned from parents, as well as the role of power dynamics, racism and classism in these situations. She shares recommendations for change and for how parents can protect themselves from a false accusation.

Announcing Rise’s New Leadership: Co-Directors Jeanette Vega and Bianca Shaw

Rise’s Advisory Board is thrilled to announce that it has selected Jeanette Vega and Bianca Shaw as the next leadership of Rise. Currently, Jeanette and Bianca are Rise’s assistant directors. We are excited for these two outstanding leaders to take over the helm and lead Rise into the next chapter of development in its mission to support parents’ leadership to dismantle the child welfare system and create communities that invest in families and offer collective healing and support.

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