Posts By: Rise

PAR Report Release Event Recording

On September 29, 2021, Rise held an online event to celebrate our new participatory action research report, An Unavoidable System: The Harms of Family Policing and Parents’ Vision for Investing in Community Care. During this event, the PAR Team discussed their research methodology and group process, research findings, recommendations and calls to action.

An Unavoidable System: The Harms of Family Policing and Parents’ Vision for Investing in Community Care

This report shares the results of a participatory action research project that Rise conducted in winter 2021 in partnership with TakeRoot Justice. Our research documents parents’ experiences with the family policing system and explores a collective vision to transform our society’s structures, policies and practices related to family and community support.

Imaginative and sometimes painful community conversations with 48 people impacted by ACS provide the foundation of this report. Findings also reflect 58 anonymous surveys by parents impacted by ACS.

Glossary of Terms

Rise is developing this glossary as a tool to support our shared understanding of terms as we begin to dive deeper into learning about abolition and community care together. We recognize that language is always changing and that many terms are defined in a variety of ways, and that this glossary is not comprehensive. This is a “living” webpage, and we will continue to update and expand it over time. 

We have drawn from a wide … Read More

Examples of Community-Based Groups and Organizations

Artwork by Eileen Jimenez. Learn more.

The road to abolishing the family policing system and creating a community-centered society requires addressing intersectional issues including, but not limited to, abolishing the prison industrial complex; empowering racial, reproductive and healing justice movements; centering survivors of domestic violence; and creating accessible, quality housing, education and child care for all.

Below, we offer examples of community-based organizations doing work that is crucial to building a society free of oppressive systems … Read More

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