Posts By: Rise

Rise Welcomed New Board Members in 2021

Early in 2021, Rise was excited to welcome several new board members–Elliot Williams, Felicia Alleyne-Davis and Joan M. Williams. Later in the year, we also welcomed Kelly Castagnaro and Jeffrey Chang as board members.

Rise Celebrates Passage of the Child Poverty Reduction Act—And Calls for Community Groups and Impacted Parents to Lead Its Implementation

New York Governor Hochul recently signed the Child Poverty Reduction Act into law after it was passed with near-unanimous support from the Legislature earlier this year. This legislation calls for the creation of a Child Poverty Reduction Advisory Council to explore policies, make recommendations, and publish benchmarks, timelines and reports to ensure that NYS reduces child poverty by 50% within the next 10 years.

Rise Calls for Governor Hochul to Sign Preserving Family Bonds Bill

In October, Rise and Brooklyn Defender Services submitted a letter calling on Governor Hochul to sign the Preserving Family Bonds Bill, S.6357/A.6700 into law. The Senate and Assembly have passed Preserving Family Bonds and now all that is needed is Governor Hochul’s signature to enact this significant legislation. 

‘A Call to Action’: New Research Finds Extremely High Rates of Investigations of Black, Brown and Native Families

Parents at Rise have long documented how the family policing system affects Black and brown people living in low-income areas of NYC. In July, a team of researchers from Duke University and Rutgers University published the study, “Contact with Child Protective Services is pervasive but unequally distributed by race and ethnicity in large US counties.” As its title suggests, the paper finds that the system impacts the lives of far too many Black and brown families.

Dr. Frank Edwards, an assistant professor at Rutgers University’s School of Criminal Justice who studies race and state violence, policing and family separation, was part of the team that worked on this study. Here, he discusses their findings in NYC and nationally, mandated reporting, investigations and why he is an abolitionist. 

Video: Rise Annual Fundraiser, Oct. 27, 2021

Thank you everyone who celebrating parent leadership with us! Enjoy the show! Program begins at 32:45, after a pre-party of music by Batalá

Skip to 32:45 for the program beginning

We welcome donations of any size! Thank you to our many supporters and allies, and all of the amazing parents who have invested in Rise!

Events Highlights