Posts By: Rise

Self-Care and Community-Care Strategies

As part of our community-building workshops to begin the program, parents in the 2022 Rise & Shine leadership program engaged in discussion about self-care and community-care strategies. Together, parents developed a list of self-care and community-care strategies for our group, which we also want to share as a resource for our Rise community. We hope it can be a tool as we continue to explore ways to build relationships, keep each other safe and care … Read More

Halimah Washington Speaks at AQE Press Conference Demanding $5B for Universal Child Care

Rise joined Alliance for Quality Education (AQE), parents and child care providers at a press conference in the Bronx on February 24th to demand NY State invest $5 billion in universal child care.

Rise Community Coordinator Halimah Washington spoke about the need for universal child care and the link between the lack of accessible child care and family policing.

Rise Introduces Policy Priorities to New York City Council Members

 Rise meeting with Council Member Althea Stevens.

Rise began meeting with New York City Council Members to introduce our policy priorities. The Rise organizing team and parent constituents met with Council Members Althea Stevens, Chair of the Committee on Youth Services and Amanda Farías, Chair of Committee on Economic Development. We engaged in in-depth conversations about what it means to improve child care in NYC and parents shared their stories on the harms of mandated … Read More

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