Posts By: Anonymous

Faith, Prayer and Action- A country preacher helped me find my way.

In the summer of 1975, I found myself sitting in the back of a smallcountry church. The service was over and the people were making their way out. Everyone stopped to shake hands with the preacher. I noticed one man saying, “Thank you, thank you,” as he held the minister’s hand. I said to myself, “What’s in a handshake?”

At that time I felt cynical toward religion and old country ways. Basically … Read More

Walks, Talks and Tears- I am trying new ways to get my anger under control.

I have been trying to find new ways to channel my anger. At times, I feel that I have my anger under control and other times I feel like I am going to lose control.

Typical ways that I used to handle my anger? Blowing up, throwing things and saying things that I later wished I could take back.

Just Hurting Myself

One typical moment: years ago, my kids’ father … Read More

Cut Off- My daughter and I miss her foster parents.

When I gave birth to my daughter, Lydia, one of the first people I called to tell was Tamara, who adopted two of my older sons from foster care.

Chubs and Little Hector ended up adopted because I was addicted to crack for many years. When Chubs was 2, Children’s Services (ACS) came to my house and took him. I visited him two times. After that, I didn’t go back. I knew … Read More


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