Posts By: Anonymous

Eat, Play, Love – Visits helped me become a good mother.

A sample story from the A Time To Bond workbook

When my daughter, Little Mama, was a year and a half, she was removed from home because my husband and I were using drugs. At our first visit, my husband and I were very anxious. I was scared that Little Mama would forget me, or would feel that I did not want her anymore.

Waiting in the hallway for our baby, we saw a Spanish man holding … Read More

‘I Want My Daughter to Have Choices’- I get involved in my daughter’s schoolwork to make sure she knows how to achieve.

When I quit a lifetime of drug use and reunited with my daughter from foster care, finishing my education was a tool I needed to keep busy and stay clean. My drug counselors and my teachers at the GED program advised me to finish my GED and go to college. I wanted to achieve my goals and prove to myself I am smart enough to do it.

Despite failing the exam eight times in … Read More

Looking for a Mother Who Won’t Leave- My birth mom and my adoptive mom both gave up on me.

I was 2 years old when I got adopted, and 7 when my biological mom stopped visiting me with no explanation. Even though those changeshappened when I was so young, I think they’ve affected me to this day.

For years I wanted to find my biological mother. I used to cry just thinking of her at night. I missed her so much. As I got older, I wanted to live with her and be … Read More

The Wrong Lessons- My son’s time upstate left him distrustful and angry.

My son’s problems started in high school. My son had always done well at small schools but he wound up in a school with more than 3,000kids. There were too many kids getting into trouble and the school did too much policing. I knew from the beginning there was too much for my son to explore. I met with the principal, the parent coordinator, and the guidance counselor. They all assured me that … Read More

Devastated- I couldn’t keep my son from the streets.

When my youngest son, Charlie, was in nursery school, his teacher suggested that I put him in a gifted and talented school forkindergarten. She told me that the school I was going to enroll him in wasn’t challenging, warning me, “When he reaches the 3rd or 4th grade, he’s going to get in trouble. The work is going to be too easy.”

But at that time I was a caretaker for children … Read More


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