Although Rise has a new mission, we’re still committed to prioritizing parents, their families, and putting their needs and concerns first. Over the summer, we administered our surveys on childcare and mandated reporting to better understand parents’ and caregivers’ experiences with mandated reporters, obtaining childcare in New York City, or the lack of, and any gaps in accessibility. With over 60 responses, we held community conversations, webinars, and a Town Hall to discuss action steps, including legislation. We also participated at the New York State Assembly Hearing on the Child Welfare System, sharing personal testimonies.
We are currently working on the Family Well-Being Entity, a coalition of organizations working together to advance family-being and supported the expansion of the Child Family Tax Credit in collaboration with the Empire State Campaign for Child Care. As a Puerto Rican led organization and to better accommodate our diverse readers, supporters, and subscribers, we are working to incorporate Spanish translation in our work and have already started using simultaneous interpretation at events.
The report on the findings from our surveys and a one-pager on the harms of mandated reporting are in progress and expected to be released next year. Stay tuned for more to come!
>> Click here to read our Parents’ Platform 2023 Program Report.