The Intersection of Family Policing and Domestic Violence: Introduction Sources

The introduction to our series on the intersection of family policing and domestic and intimate partner violence links to all of the sources of information listed below. It also links to additional resources and information that may be of interest, including our glossary of terms

Barron, J. The Stigma Attached to Housing Vouchers. (Updated 2022, May 27). The New York Times. Retrieved from:

Bertram, W. and Sawyer, W. Prisons and jails will separate millions of mothers from their children in 2021. (2021, May 5; Updated for 2022). Prison Policy Initiative. Retrieved from: 

Brico, E. State Laws Can Punish Parents Living in Abusive Households. (2019, Oct. 25). Talk Poverty. Retrieved from:

Center for Urban Pedagogy. (2019). What You Need To Know About ACS: Parents’ Rights When Dealing With the NYC Administration for Children’s Services. Retrieved from:

Chapin Hall. (2021, Jun., Rev.). Family and Child Well-being System: Economic & Concrete Supports as a Core Component. Retrieved from:

Coalition for the Homeless. (Updated Sep. 2022). New York City Homelessness: The Basic Facts. Retrieved from:

The Criminal Justice System: Statistics. RAINN. Retrieved from: 

Dixon, E. and Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, L. (Eds.). (2020). Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement. AK Press. 

Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. Dynamics of Domestic Violence. Webpage. Retrieved from:

Fong, K. [@kelley_fong]. (2020, Jan. 31). This echoes what I heard in Rhode Island. Here’s one respondent I interviewed within days after her children were removed [Tweet]. Twitter. Retrieved from:

Foster-Frau, S. (2021, Jun. 2). Latinos are disproportionately killed by police but often left out of the debate about brutality, some advocates say. The Washington Post. Retrieved from: 

Franklin, K. ‘Our First Priority is Making Sure People Are OK.’ (2021, May 20). Rise. Retrieved from:

Franklin, K. and Farmer, C. New Research: How Fear of CPS Harms Families. (2020, Jan. 22). Rise. Retrieved from:

Franklin, K.; Laundrau, M. and Werner, S. False and Malicious CPS Reports: Why NY Should End Anonymous Reporting. (2020, Sep. 1). Rise. Retrieved from:

Franklin, K. and Werner, S. (2021, Nov. 3). ‘A Call to Action’: New Research Finds Extremely High Rates of Investigations of Black, Brown and Native Families. Rise. Retrieved from:

Friedersdorf, C. Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic-Abuse Problem Than the NFL Does. (2014, Sep. 19). The Atlantic. Retrieved from:

Gender-Inclusive Power and Control Wheel. (2009, Jun. 24). Original Power and Control Wheel developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Project. Adapted by SAVE: Stop Abusive and Violent Environments. Retrieved from: 

Gruber, A. How Police Became the Go-to Response to Domestic Violence. (2020, Jul. 7). Slate. Retrieved from:

Hager, E. (2022, Oct. 13). Police Need Warrants to Search Homes. Child Welfare Agents Almost Never Get One. Propublica. Retrieved from:

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (2020). Black people more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter. Retrieved from:

Housing First Fact Sheet. (2022, Mar. 20; Updated Aug. 2022). National Alliance to End Homelessness. Retrieved from:

Hurley, K. (May 2017). Adrift in NYC: Family Homelessness and the Struggle to Stay Together. The New School Center for New York City Affairs. Retrieved from:

Ismail, T. (2022, Oct. 18). Violating rights in the name of protecting kids. New York Daily News. Retrieved from: 

Kaba, M. Abolitionist Imaginings with Mariame Kaba. (2022, Oct. 18). UpEND Movement. 2022 How We endUP Convening.

Keller, B. Is Prison the Answer to Violence? (2017, Feb. 16). The Marshall Project. Retrieved from:

Kramer, A. (2020, Mar.). Backfire: When Reporting Domestic Violence Means You Get Investigated for Child Abuse. Retrieved from:

Milner, J. and Kelly, D. It’s Time to Stop Confusing Poverty with Neglect. (2020, Jan. 17). The Imprint. Retrieved from:

Mukpo, A. (2020, Sep. 23). For Black Immigrants, Police and ICE Are Two Sides of the Same Coin. American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved from:

NAEH. (2020, Oct. 1). Police Violence, Homelessness, and Black Lives. Retrieved from:

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. Fact Sheet: Hate Violence Against Transgender Communities. Retrieved from:

Nellis, A. The Color of Justice: Racial and Ethnic Disparity in State Prisons. (2021, Oct. 13). The Sentencing Project. Retrieved from: 

Parker, A. What About the Rapists and Murderers? (2020, Jun. 24). Medium. Retrieved from: 

Peer Support and Peer Involvement. VAWnet. Webpage. Retrieved from:

Police Responses to Domestic Violence: A Fact Sheet. Interrupting Criminalization. Retrieved from:

Powell, T. (2021, Jun. 2). Native Americans Most Likely To Die From Police Shootings, Families Who Lost Loved Ones Weigh In. WUWM 89.7, Milwaukee’s NPR. Retrieved from:

Prison is Gender Violence – Power & Control Wheel. Reconceptualized by Monica Cosby, Moms United Against Violence & Incarceration. Graphic by Sarah Ross. Defend Survivors Now. Retrieved from:

Responses from the Field: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Policing. (Oct. 2015). American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved from: 

Rise Child Care Campaign: Town Hall Update, Survey Results and Calls to Action. (2022, Jul. 11). Rise. Webpage. Retrieved from: 

Survived & Punished. Analysis & Vision. (2016) Webpage. Retrieved from:

Survived & Punished. A Few Quick Statistics. Webpage. Retrieved from:

Survivor Equity & Inclusion Framework. Shobana Powell Consulting. Webpage. Retrieved from:

Thompson, V. (2021, Feb. 10). Understanding the Policing of Black, Disabled Bodies. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from:

An Unavoidable System: The Harms of Family Policing and Parents’ Vision for Investing in Community Care. (Fall 2021). Rise and TakeRoot Justice. Retrieved from:

Wexler, R. (2017, Jul. 26). Domestic Violence Survivors Say Mandatory Reporting Laws Made Their Lives Worse. Youth Today. Retrieved from:

When Children Witness Violence: Expert Opinion. (Updated Jan. 2022). National Coalition for Child Protection Reform. Retrieved from:

Worthy, I., Serdjenian, T. and Vega Brown, J. Trapped in the Web of Family Policing: The Harms of Mandated Reporting and the Need for Parent-Led Approaches to Safe, Thriving Families. (Spring 2022). Family Integrity & Justice Quarterly. Retrieved from:

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