In January, Rise partnered with The Moth on a workshop where 8 parents leaders learned to tell a story aloud – without notes!
The Moth workshop was part of our new public speaking training program, Rise & Shine, to support our parent leaders in becoming more skilled and confident while telling their stories for an audience.
In the past two years, Rise parent leaders have increasingly presented their stories and recommendations for child welfare reform to top policymakers. In November, Rise partnered with Casey Family Programs and Children’s Village to present parents’ perspectives on the need for preventive family supports with 11 Congressional staff considering the Family First Act. In June, Rise parent leaders ran focus groups that included 40 parents with recent or open foster care cases and presented feedback to Administration for Children’s Services Commissioner Gladys Carrión. In January, Rise parent leaders met with ACS Family Permanency Services Deputy Commissioner Julie Farber to offer feedback on the division’s strategic plan.
Through presentations in Manhattan and Bronx Family Court, at ACS’ Satterwhite Academy, to ACS Family Court Legal Services attorneys, and at NYU Law School and CUNY Law School, Rise parents have also educated more than 600 judges, lawyers and caseworkers about how parents experience with the child welfare system.
Underwritten by New York Women’s Foundation, Rise & Shine and The Moth workshop have supported our parent leaders in enhancing their presence and calm while speaking in public, and in working as a team to develop impactful presentations.